Reiki is the Universal Life Healing Energy. This energy has been on Earth for thousands of years and was rediscovered by Master Mikao Usui, in the early 20th Century.  Eastern natural medicine has always recognised that it flow through all living things.

When correctly initiated to Reiki, practitioners do not heal, but become channels for this Universal Life Healing Energy, which flows into their head and out through their hands. Then when they place their hands on themselves, another person, an animal or plant, the energy flows to where it is needed.

Reiki is considered a holistic complementary therapy, that is not a replacement for traditional medicine, but is safe to receive alongside conventional medicine and other kinds of alternative therapies and treatments. Reiki only heals up to the point of our Karma. So if there are any, any deeper physical, mental or psychological issues that you have chosen to experience in this life, Reiki will not be able to alter these. However, it may be that an Essenian Healing, Essenian Healing Journey or Pleiadian Healing, could be possible to help relieve some of your difficulties related to these aspects of your Karma.

We practice the original Reiki, which originates from Ryoho. This is the Reiki method, that many other practitioners around the world also perform, and is in line with the Reiki method that Master Mikao Usui developed. When a Reiki practitioner is offering Reiki face to face, it is in the form of a hands-on treatment. They act as a channel for the energy, holding a loving healing intention for the client. In this way the treatment results in the best outcome for the person.

When someone is correctly initiated to Reiki in the way Master Mikao Usui made possible, they benefit from healing on all levels; physically, mentally and emotionally. Reiki in this way, serves to raise our consciousness and awareness, helping us to reduce the negative influences in life and live in a more positive and harmonious way.

Reiki is safe for the whole family; whether you are an expectant mother, have a new born or small children, are living with a medical condition, recovering from surgery, have some frailty or are elderly and have reduced capacity or mobility. Reiki is safe in these cases, and can reduce mental and physical distress, by helping to relax and mind and body. It is both strengthening and detoxifying, restorative, boosts the immune system and increases the body’s overall health and well-being.

With the transformation of Mother Earth from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension, being correctly initiated to Reiki is a wonderful opportunity to address negative feelings and experiences and choose to transform these for the positive. Furthermore, the Esoteric Knowledge we teach with Reiki Initiations, can also help to make sense of and better understand the reasons for your chosen life experiences, your karma. The Esoteric Knowledge is also invaluable for people who have already been initiated to Reiki, no matter to which level they have previously been initiated, as it will enable them to deepen their understanding of their self-chosen path in this life.

Level 1 Essenian Healing

If you feel attracted to stones or feel or know their energy, and if you feel a strong calling to help people with high energetic healings, you are ready to participate in this Workshop 

The Essenian Healings are not a religion and have been given by the Highest Energy Source, Mother/Father God, to help humankind again – to those who want to participate in their healing path – at this time of energetic transition and global consciousness on Earth from the 3rd to the 5th dimensional energy


Develop your healing gifts and put them into practice by learning these ancient healing techniques of Level 1 that were practiced over 2000 years ago by the gnostic community of Essenes, by Jesus and Mary Magdalene among others.

During this 2-day workshop you will learn:

  • The Holy knowledge of the Essenes and how to perform the 3 Essenian Healings of Level 1 
  • The power of the stones and the especial Essenian way of purifying them and tuning them up 
  • The  Power of Love, and the Power of our Thoughts 

Upon completion of this workshop you will receive a set of 17-stones purified and tuned up by an Essenian Master and receive a  Diploma as an Essenian Assistant Healer,  You can directly begin healing other people and if you have been correctly initiated in Reiki 1, you could also perform two of these healings on yourself.

Note: No previous knowledge or experience is needed to participate in this workshop.

A Reiki treatment is an hour in length. The person lays, fully clothed, on a treatment table and the Reiki practitioner gently places their hands on the body, laying still for a few minutes, before moving on to the next position. Each treatment covers the whole body from head to toe. The hand positions are not intrusive and the practitioners always consider the persons comfort by holding a loving and respectful intention throughout.

Some of the benefits of receiving regular Reiki treatments are:

  • Balancing mind and body and stabilising emotions.
  • Raises own personal energy and increasing awareness.
  • Reducing fears and anxiety, relieving stress.
  • Relieves physical pain.
  • Helps with recovery from surgery and other medical treatments.
  • Strengthens the immune system and detoxifies.
  • Contributes to a more positive perspective relieving low moods and negative cycles of thinking.

Reiki for Children 7 yrs +

This is a special weekend, filled with many fun, light hearted and joyful activities, to support children to learn about the beautiful Reiki energy. They will receive 4 Initiations – in the tradition of Usui Shiki Ryoho taught by Master Mikao Usui, and will be guided in a warm, loving and fun way to discover how to use Reiki in their every-day life.

Through the Initiation, children will also become channels of this loving healing Universal Life energy so they can pass it on to others such as their family members, pets and other animals, plants, flowers and trees. It will be a unique and special way for them to connect with their own Godspark, so they can grow to become happier, more confident and much more positive. All Children will also be given a Diploma, certifying that they have completed the first degree of Reiki.

Some of the benefits of a Reiki Initiation for Children:

  • Their energy is raised.
  • Keeps the body Healthy during the Energy transition on earth from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Energy that is happening now.
  • Helps them to develop self-awareness and confidence and getting along with their families, friends and others.
  • Helps with aches and pains from physical injuries.
  • Increased relaxation leading to improved sleep.
  • Helps them to start changing negative thoughts and behaviours and deal better with overwhelming emotions, frustrations, fears and worries.

There are three levels of Initiation in the Reiki offered. At each level you will become a certified Reiki practitioner.

Reiki 1

This is a two-day program, with each day of the consisting of between 6/7 hrs. This initiation is the foundation of Reiki and is the beginning of reconnecting to the big source Mother Father God and becoming a channel for the Holy Reiki energy. During the two days of training, you will receive the history and tradition of Reiki and Esoteric Knowledge to support your understanding of your chosen life path. You will receive four initiation moments and open yourself up to the Universal Life Energy. You will be taught how to give yourself a Reiki treatment and how to give a treatment to another person. Following completion of the training, you will receive a diploma and be able to begin a professional practice and offer Reiki to others, following an initial period of self-healing.

Reiki 2

The Reiki 2 initiation is also a two-day course that is a deepening of your knowledge and understanding the Usui System of Natural Healing. There is one initiation moment at this level. You will also further Esoteric knowledge, to support you on your healing path and you will learn the three Holy Reiki Symbols and sacred mantras. Following these two days you will have increased your understanding of how to send Reiki on a distance for yourself, other people, animals, plants and Mother Earth.

Reiki Master

This is again a deeper training that involves working towards being initiated as a Reiki Master Non-Teaching or Teaching. It will be confirmed through channelling, which training is possible for somebody in line with their soul’s chosen plan.

Step into the realms of ancient wisdom and profound healing with Essenian Healings – an ancient 5th dimensional healing practice and divine path to self-discovery and balance. Unlike a religion, Essenian Healings transcend earthly boundaries, connecting us with the highest Energy Source, Mother/Father God.

Emerald Dove explores the dimensional worlds of Essenian Healings and the transformative powers they hold.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Essenian Healings

Delve into the mystical art of Essenian Healings, ancient practices rooted in the 5th Dimension. These high-energy healings delve into our self-chosen life plans – our karma, addressing the imbalances from choices made in previous lives. Each healing experience is unique, tailored to the individual’s karma, and amplified by a sincere desire for real change.

Combine this celestial energy with a genuine willingness to embrace change, and the potency of Essenian Healings reaches new heights. Just like the Essenian Healing Journeys and Pleiadian healings, these are the sole 5th Dimensional healings on Earth, ushering in a profound era of spiritual awakening.

Rediscovering the Essenes’ Legacy

Over 2000 years ago, a community of healers known as The Essenes practiced Essenian Healings on Earth. Among them were luminaries like Mary Magdalene and Jesus, who harnessed the healing power of stones, herbs, and the mind. Rooted in ancient mystery schools and embraced by the Ancient Egyptians, the Essenes lived in harmony with Mother Earth, embodying reverence for all life.

Essenian Healings are not a religion but a sacred connection to the highest Energy Source, a divine gift to humanity. They have resurfaced on Earth during a significant transformation from the 3rd to the 5th Dimensional energy, aligning with the influx of light that has ushered in unprecedented changes in our environment, society, and personal lives.

The Essence of Essenian Healings

Picture the healing process as stones are carefully laid in geometric energy fields, accompanied by toning, breathing techniques, and the guidance of Godly Energies and Essenian Guides. These elements influence the Sophisticated Organised Energy Field (SOEF) – the highest energy field within and around our bodies, where physical, mental, and psychological functions are programmed.

Reserved for the era when Mother Earth fully transitions to 5th-dimensional energy, Essenian Healings have been channelled through Lisa Lux and Henk Mulder, acting as conduits for their guides, Mary Magdalene and Jesus. This divine mission is at the behest of Mother/Father God, underscoring the sacred nature of these healings.

Embark on Your Healing Journey

Should you feel the calling to experience Essenian Healings, the process begins with channelling through communication with the Essenian guide. Every healing route is meticulously checked and confirmed by Lisa Lux and Henk Mulder with their guides, Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The channelling ensures that each healing aligns with the wisdom held by the Godly Energies.

To take the first step towards healing, reach out for an initial phone appointment. Your healing route will be channelled with the Essenian guide and confirmed by the Godly Energies. The journey is yours to embrace, and the invitation to a healing session comes without obligation, a sacred gift to honour your path of self-discovery and well-being.

Ready to unlock the secrets of Essenian Healings?
Why not contact me to start your sacred journey today.

The Pleiadian Healings are the highest healings on Earth. They are ancient healing practices, that like the Essenian healings, have been put back on Earth to support with the healing of a wide range of different issues and ailments. They can be also be received in addition to traditional medicine. Pleiadian Healings are facilitated in the Pleiadian Healing Circle, to which the Dolphins and the Pleiadians also belong.

The Pleiadian Energies come from the Pleiades, which is a 5th dimensional star cluster. As the energy that is sent to Earth by the Pleiadians has a very high resonance, a group of people who also have a high level of energy, is needed, to be able to hold this energy in place for the healings to be possible.

The healing takes place on a healing bed. The person receiving healing, lays on their back, fully clothed. Members of the Circle gather around the healing bed holding their hands together. Through the stone laying, the breathing, toning and visualization techniques, a pillar of light is created so that the Pleiadians can perform the healing. This means that we as human beings, are only channels for the healing and do not perform the healings themselves.

The leader of the Circle then makes contact with the Dolphins, which are in contact with the Pleiadians. There is also a start-stop person in the group, who sees, feels or knows when the energy is high enough to start and when the healing has ended. Then the aftercare takes place, when the whole circle gently lays their Reiki hands on or above the person on the treatment bed. It is common to for people receiving these healings to feel a little disoriented or emotional and there is a period of up to 30 minutes when a client will lay down and rest.

Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ complementary soul, also asked, through the channelling with Lisa and Henk, to place the Pleiadian Healing Circle back on Earth again. The first Pleiadian Healing Circle was set up and led by Lisa Lux in Majorca. Since then Lisa has trained many more people to set up Pleiadian Healing Circles in other counties around the world. There are now Pleiadian Healing Circles active in; France, Majorca, Mexico, Canada, Gambia, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Pakistan and in the UK. The only circle active on the level of all diseases, including mortal diseases, is the one led by Lisa Lux in Dordogne, France. Read more at The Academy of the 13 Essenian Arts of Healing:

Circles consist of 4-8 people usually take place once a month and all training and Healings are free of charge for the members of the Circle. If you are interested to know more about participating in the circle, would like to consider receiving a healing yourself as a client, please contact the Leader of a circle for more information.

The first Pleiadian Healing circle in the UK was held in New Mills, Derbyshire and was led by Katarzyna Jablonska. Below the contact details for current circles in the Uk:

Name of Leader of the Pleiadian Healing Circle, Birmingham: Sahera Parveen. Essenian Master-in training to Teach, Reiki Master Teaching, Essenian Healing Journey Healer Level 2. Mobile: 07749021119 Email:

Name of Leader of the Pleiadian Healing Circle, New Mills: Maria Paholik. Essenian Healer, Master Level, Reiki Master Teaching, Essenian Healing Journey Healer Level 1. Mobile: 0044-7422375781 E-mail address:

Embarking on a journey of healing and harmony with Reiki can be a very transformative experience not just for humans, but also for your cherished furry, feathery, and finned companions. Discover the incredible benefits that Reiki brings to the lives of your animal friends, creating a world where well-being knows no bounds.

Why Consider Reiki for Your Animal Companions?

1. Boosting Vitality

Witness the sparkle return to your pet’s eyes as Reiki works its wonders, breathing new life into their every step. It’s not just about physical well-being; it’s about an exuberance that radiates from within.

2. Recovery Reinvented

Whether your pet is recovering from a physical setback, surgery, or the stresses of life, Reiki becomes their gentle guide to restoration. It’s the ultimate ally in their journey back to health and happiness.

3. A Balancing Act for Behaviour

Tackling behavioural challenges becomes a breeze with Reiki. From anxiety to stubborn habits, watch as your furry friend finds a serene equilibrium, while building a bond with you based on understanding and trust.

4. Birthing Bliss

Welcoming a new life into the world is a joyous occasion. Reiki offers a calming presence during the birthing process, ensuring a harmonious start for both the mother and her precious offspring.

5. Nurturing the Younglings

Reiki extends its tender touch to the youngest members of the animal kingdom. Providing support and energy, it becomes a comforting companion for new-borns, helping them thrive in their earliest days.

6. Golden Years, Quality Life

Aging gracefully is every pet’s right. Reiki steps in as the elixir of life, enhancing the quality of life for older animals, allowing them to relish each moment with grace and dignity.

7. Transitioning with Peace

In times of letting go, Reiki offers a serene passage. For animals ready to cross the rainbow bridge, Reiki provides comfort, easing their transition and offering solace to both pet and owner.

Where Can Reiki Work Its healing properties?

It can start from the cosy corners of your home to the bustling streets, animal rescue havens, or the serene stables. From the heart of veterinary care to the adrenaline-filled racing yards, Reiki finds its place in every nook and cranny where our animal friends reside.

Bring Reiki to your doorstep

Reiki doesn’t confine itself to a location. Whether in the comfort of your home or from a distance, the healing energy of Reiki is ready to envelop your beloved companions in a warm embrace.

Embark on this soulful journey with Reiki, where animals and their well-being take centre stage. It’s more than a service; it’s a celebration of life, love, and the enduring bond between humans and their furry, finned, and feathered friends. Let Reiki create moments that resonate with the heartbeat of every being it touches.

For more information speak to Reiki Master Sahera Parveen

Essenian Life Changing Coaching: Essenian Life Coaching offers a holistic perspective on the meaning of events and experiences that repeat in your life. Through self-reflection on the meaning of certain experiences, participants are able to gain invaluable insights into their daily lives and set goals and decide how to make changes. Sessions can be 1:1 and in small groups of 4 and take place on Zoom or Whatsapp.

Life Coaching for Young Adults 18-21

Participants learn to identify their emotions, understand what they mean, where they come from, and connect this to how their emotions affect their choices and decisions in life.

Life Coaching for Adults

An opportunity for reflection on the challenges in life and what they are trying to teach us. Open up to new insights, feel and use perspective and perception to find solutions that work best for you.

Life Coaching for Adults with Children

These sessions help parents find ways to best support their children through looking at what they can learn from each other, and recognising what attitudes and approaches work best with their child/children.

This holistic perspective then enables them to slowly start to make new decisions to build a future as a family, more consciously and with greater peace and harmony with themselves and the other people around them.