Essenian Healing Workshop – Develop your healing gifts

Level 1 Essenian Healing

If you feel attracted to stones or feel or know their energy, and if you feel a strong calling to help people with high energetic healings, you are ready to participate in this Workshop 

The Essenian Healings are not a religion and have been given by the Highest Energy Source, Mother/Father God, to help humankind again – to those who want to participate in their healing path – at this time of energetic transition and global consciousness on Earth from the 3rd to the 5th dimensional energy


Develop your healing gifts and put them into practice by learning these ancient healing techniques of Level 1 that were practiced over 2000 years ago by the gnostic community of Essenes, by Jesus and Mary Magdalene among others.

During this 2-day workshop you will learn:

  • The Holy knowledge of the Essenes and how to perform the 3 Essenian Healings of Level 1 
  • The power of the stones and the especial Essenian way of purifying them and tuning them up 
  • The  Power of Love, and the Power of our Thoughts 

Upon completion of this workshop you will receive a set of 17-stones purified and tuned up by an Essenian Master and receive a  Diploma as an Essenian Assistant Healer,  You can directly begin healing other people and if you have been correctly initiated in Reiki 1, you could also perform two of these healings on yourself.

Note: No previous knowledge or experience is needed to participate in this workshop.